Edit Batch Options


This dialog can be accessed from the batch toolbar by clicking the left-most button. It is also found by clicking the down-arrow on the Batch button on the Home tab of the ribbon bar.  It controls the actions that are performed as each file in the batch is read.




Batch files

This option displays the Open Batch Files dialog to select or modify files for the batch.


Batch options

This option selects either Basic or Custom Scripts mode for batch processing.

In Basic mode, processing options are selected using the checkboxes and other controls shown in this dialog.

In Custom Scripts mode, you can create custom scripts of actions for each "level" in the batch list outline shown in the Open Batch Files dialog. Custom scripts can perform all of the same operations as Basic mode processing, as well as additional commands. You can also set the order of operation and include things like user prompts with Custom Scripts. See Edit Scripts for details.


Custom scripts

In Custom Script mode, use the Edit button to view and edit the custom scripts you have created for your batch.


Replay Options

Replay on Open

When enabled, the FCS file will be replayed as soon as it is opened. Replaying a file allows the statistics and graphics to represent the entire data file.


Replay on Advance

This dropdown contains several choices related to replaying the batch processor is about to move to the next file in the batch.

No: No replay action is taken when a new batch file is opened.

Replay active data source: WinList replays the active data source and computes statistics on the full listmode file. This option also triggers any active databases to store a new record.

Replay all data sources: WinList replays all data sources and computes statistics on the full listmode file. This option also triggers any active databases to store a new record.



Run macro

Enable this option if you want to run a WinList macro after each batch file is opened. If you want to perform detailed tasks that are not directly supported with options in this dialog, use the Run macro and Macro name fields to perform a custom task.


Update remote links

When this option is enabled, WinList will update all Remote connections for Result and Histogram windows.


Macro name

When the Run macro option is enabled, this option allows you to select the macro that you want to run. Click the button, navigate to the folder containing the macro, and select the macro.


Protocol Save

Save protocol

There are several options for saving protocols: Don't save protocol, Save XML protocol, and Save protocol bundle. When one of the saving options is selected, the other properties in the Protocol Save section also need to be set.


Save protocol in data path

Enable this option to store the protocol in the same path as the data file that is being analyzed. When not enabled, the protocol is saved in the path specified by Protocol Path.


Confirm protocol names

Enable this option to be prompted to confirm the protocol name before it is saved by the batch processor.


Protocol name prefix

This field contains text that is used for naming protocols. It can contain a mix of text and keywords; keywords are enclosed in square brackets. The default name prefix is "Protocol_[BATCHINDEX]", which will name a protocol based on the index of the file in the batch list.


Protocol path

Select a path for storing protocols. This path is ignored if Save protocol in data path is enabled.



Save reports

Enable this option to save reports after each batch file is loaded. Reports will be automatically named based on the Report name prefix below.


Save reports in data path

Enable this option to store the reports in the same path as the data file that is being analyzed. When not enabled, the report is saved in the path specified by Report Path.


Confirm report names

Enable this option to confirm and/or edit report names prior to saving.


Report name prefix

Enter text to use as the first part of each report name. This can contain internal and file keywords by enclosing the keyword in square brackets. For example, to name the reports based on FCS file name for the active data source, you might use Report_[FILE], excluding the quotation marks. See Internal Keywords for other keywords that can be used for this purpose.


Report path

Choose the location in which to save reports. This path is ignored if Save reports in data path is enabled.


PDF Export

Export PDFs

Enable this option to save reports in PDF format after each batch file is loaded. Reports will be automatically named based on the PDF name prefix below.


Save PDF in data path

Enable this option to store the PDF reports in the same path as the data file that is being analyzed. When not enabled, the PDF is saved in the path specified by PDF Path.


Confirm PDF names

Enable this option to confirm and/or edit PDF file names prior to saving.


PDF name prefix

Enter text to use as the first part of each PDF report name. This can contain internal and file keywords by enclosing the keyword in square brackets. The default name prefix is Report_[BATCHINDEX]”, which will name PDF based on the index of the file in the batch list.


PDF path

Choose the location in which to save PDF reports. This path is ignored if Save PDF in data path is enabled.



Print report

Print screen

Print MultiGraphs

When selected, WinList performs the print operation after each file is opened.



Always show toolbar

Normally, WinList hides the batch toolbar when the batch list is empty. Enable this option to always show the batch toolbar.


Save Preferences

If this option is enabled, the choices made in the dialog are stored as preferences.