This toolbar appears when more than one listmode file is selected in the Open dialog. It provides a simple tool for navigating through the batch of files.
As you navigate through the batch, the actions and options in the Edit Batch Options dialog are performed on each file that is opened. This allows you to perform a series of automatic operations just by moving to another batch item, such as acquiring all events, running a macro, or printing. The function of each button is described below.
Display the Edit Batch Options dialog. |
Add files to the batch. |
Go to the first file in the batch. |
Go to the previous file in the batch. |
Redo the current file in the batch. |
Go to the next file in the batch. |
Go to the last file in the batch. |
Select a specific batch item to open. |
Auto-advance through the batch. |
Stop the auto-advance process. |
Pause/continue batch processing. |